Monday, June 16, 2008

My Quilter Girl's New Automatic Donorship Program

My Quilter Girl is so excited to announce our automatic donorship program. A fleece blanket will automatically be given to our humanitarian project with the purchase of any of our online quilts.

This little girl just recieved a new blanket at the childrens inpatient cancer hospital.
400 blankets were donated by friends in our community. Thank you for all of those who helped make this possible. We hope to add to that number this year with our new donor program. My Quilter Girl helped distribute these blankets to many families in need and felt honored to be a part of something so great.

Smiles for Honduras

Each year we have the opportunity to travel to Honduras with a group of local dentist. Free dental care and humanitarian projects are provided in orphanages, hospitals and the dental school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Many hygiene kits, newborn supplies, education kits, and blankets are shipped to Honduras to help provide aid. These darling aprons were donated by Jillie Wille. You can visit her website,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Good Things Utah

On April 30, My Quilter Girl donated 40 especially made quilts to the studio audience of Good Things Utah. We instructed each member of the audience to "pass it on" and make a difference in someones life by honoring them with our quilt. We are pleased with the stories that came in and are anxiously awaiting the rest.

We are so proud to report that one of our quilts made it all the way to Iraq. The audience member gave it to her brother who is serving and told him to "pass it on" to a little girl of his choice.

Another touching story came from a lady who passed her quilt onto her own father, from her sisters and herself in honor of their mother, who had passed away earlier that year.

One audience member is a labor and delivery nurse and passed her quilt onto a new mother who had given birth to a special little baby with down syndrom.

A nurse from Idaho Falls received on of our quilts from an audience member who will never forget the love and attention she showed to her and her family after surviving a near fatal car accident.

Many stories came in from audience members who passed their quilts onto their mothers on Mother's Day. We couldn't be happier about honoring such an important person.

Race for the Cure

May 10th, is the Race for the Cure in Salt Lake City, UT. We have donated quilts to help inspire an ongoing support for research and finding a cure.
One of the receipiants wrote:
Dear Cynthia and Kendra, Thankyou for the beautiful quilt for breast cancer---I will cherish it forever. May you be blessed always for your charity, kindness, and love. You will never know how much this gift has lifted my spirits and touched the hearts of my family members. Please contact me in regards to any service projects you are engaged in where help is needed. I hope to be able to thank you in person some day. Love always, Carolee Ballif